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Discover the enchanting Whimsical Peach Bridal Bloom, an all carnations bridal bouquet adorned with premium Dutch peach and white carnations.


Eryngium and eucalyptus leaves seamlessly blend to create a rustic yet elegant vibe, perfect for your special day.


 This bridal bouquet exudes charm and sophistication, ensuring your bridal ensemble is as unforgettable as your love story.


Order now and let our beautiful blooms be a part of your memorable journey.


Our flowers varies daily due to seasons and inspiration, and so will your bouquet. What you receive will be different from the pictures that we show, as every flower, even in the same tone or colours, have their unique shades and tones. All pictures are only for colour references and style. 

Whimsical Peach Bridal Bloom

  • Each bridal bouquet includes a complimentary matching groom's corsage, specially designed by our florist.

    **Please note that customization is not available for the complimentary corsage.

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